With a free demonstration of our crowdfunding platform, let us walk you through how Hubbub can make fundraising more manageable, help you to engage donors and create a seamless donor journey.

Hubbub's crowdfunding software provides you with:

  • A customized donor experience for all devices - Everything is tailored to integrate with your institution’s brand, including platform design, site copy and donor stewardship emails. Your platform will be optimized for tablets & mobiles; 54% of pledges come from a mobile device.
  • The tools to acquire new donors - Our platforms are created with donor acquisition in mind. We make it easy to setup matchfunding (prospects are 22% more likely to give to a matchfunded project) and for crowdfunding donors to opt-in for regular giving. A significant proportion of donors pledge their intention to give to the institution again.

  • The motivation for project creators & donors - Our easy-to-use crowdfunding dashboard assists project creators during their campaigns. Leaderboards show the top promoters by tracking every click & donation caused by social sharing.

    We'll show you how to create a crowdfunding program that donors will love.